Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Day 2 - 10 likes and dislikes

30 Day Blog Challenge 

Day 2 - 10 Likes and Dislikes 



  1. I like cats!
  2. I like writing.
  3. I like watching TV but I am more of a season a day kind of a gal!
  4. I like candles! especially with a rose scent!
  5. I like wearing leggings instead of jeans.
  6. I like blonde hair but I never get a proper blonde in my hair because I have black hair.
  7. I like red lipsticks even though I can never pull it off.
  8. I like receiving compliments when I do something good! It helps me stay motivated and gives me confidence!
  9. I like the color purple.
  10. I like binge watching videos on YouTube!

💔 10 dislikes 💔

  1. I dislike wearing runners, I am boots person.
  2. I dislike when people watch me eat. 
  3. I dislike those awkward conversations where it goes like: hi, hello, whats up?, nm.
  4. I dislike lying and liars.
  5. I dislike when I am talking to someone and they are on their phone.
  6. I dislike when I have to talk to someone on the phone or on Skype.
  7. I dislike bland food.
  8. I dislike the color brown.
  9. I dislike working in silence! I always need music in the back ground.
  10. I dislike Nicki Minaj's music but I have no problem with anyone else listening to her.

Thank you! Tell me what you guys like or dislike!

I will post day 3 tomorrow!
head over to www.anamikablogs.weebly.com for another 30 day challenge coming up soon!

with Love,

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