Day 7 - Do you read? What are your favorite books? ♥
Sorry for a late update! I was just taking a break from writing but now I am back!
So, to start with, yes I do read! I used to be a massive reader but now, things have gotten a bit busy and I have drifted away from reading traditional paper back books to investing my time in reading blogs. None the Less, I have some favorite books up my sleeves that I want to share with you guys!
Die For Me Series - Amy Plum ♥
The first one is my number 1 favorite! This is the third book in the series "Die for me" by Amy Plum. I can not even explain how much I am in love with this series! Let me start by telling you first about the setting of the book. It is set in France,
Paris to be exact. This is a story about about Kate, a teenage girl who has moved to Paris after the death of her parents in a car accident. She meets Vincent, who is charming, handsome but he is dead! Well, he is not really dead, he is a revenant, which is you can say is like a ghost. His reason to be alive is to save lives of people, and in order to do that he must die over and over again. My summary doesn't do this series any justice. Honestly, for me, it wasn't the story line that made this series stand out, it was the way Amy Plum described the characters. This is a hands down a very romantic series. It is for people who like reading vampires or supernatural kind of books! Honestly I give this series 5/5 stars, especially the last book, it really tore my heart into pieces.
The Hunger Games Series - Suzanne Collins ♥
This series is just so original, like the idea of hunger games is beyond my imagination. I know everyone hypes about this series, everyone has just read the books or seen the movies , people are just so tired of hearing about hunger games at this stage! Honestly though, I think I will never get bored out of this series. I have to give it to Suzanne Collins, her imagination is just amazing! I won't go much into the details of this book because I am very sure that everyone knows about this series. If you haven't, you better get to your bookstore and buy the books!
Staying Strong - 365 days a year - Demi Lovato ♥
This is not your traditional book, it is not the type of book that has a story or characters. It is simply a book filled with positive quotes and positive lessons. This was released after Demi Lovato came back from the rehab where she was treated for bi-polar disease and depression and also drug addictions. I have been a die heart Demi Lovato fan since I saw her first in Camp Rock. I fell in love with her voice and her songs and just her as a person. When I heard about her depression, I was very saddened by the fact that she is suffering so much. I, however, had total faith in Demi, I knew she will bounce back and that's what she did. She released her album, Unbroken and then she released this book. I had read some pages of it on Twitter and I knew I had to get this book. The book is individually dated from the 1st of January to the 31st Of December. Each day holding a quote, a paragraph and an intention or goals. Each day is there to promote self confidence. I used this book last year for every single day and I have to say 2014 was a really good year for me. I love this book and even though I don't use it as much any more, I do randomly go to the book and open the date, and read from it. It is like there is support, like there is a helping hand present. I love this book so much.
The Fault in our stars - John Green ♥
Finally the last book from my favorites. I discovered this book from my sister. She used to obsess over this book, and talk about Augustus and Hazel. She wouldn't leave this book for a second, and even so, she finished this book in less then 2 days. She recommended me to read this book but I never saw the appeal, and I literally just procrastinated to read this book. Finally I read it in Summer of 2013 I believe and damn! This book was like 'asdfghjkl;' moment for me. So much romance, and pain and laughter, I was completely hooked! The story line did grab me, with the pain character being a cancer patient, and falling in love. As a hopeless romantic, I swallowed all this stuff up and finished this book in a day. I have never read a book that fast in my entire life. Oh God, the ending, I was laying in my bed, crying at 5 am in the morning because of the heart breaking ending. I have also seen the film, have to say, the film was much better then the book. My friends and I were an emotional mess when we left that cinema room, I have not cried that much at any movie before! Again, 5/5 for this book!
This is it for Day 7.
I am posting Day 8 in few few hours!
with Love,
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